About me

My name is Duong Xuan Truong and I have a Bachelor's Degree in English Language and with a second major in Finance and Banking. After working in roles centered around doing English-Vietnamese interpretation and translation and project management assistance for five years, I realized that working with and understanding computers really does give me joy. So, I decided to redirect my focuses.

I first started my re-education with the Python programming language. Immediately, I fell in love with its simplistic and readable syntax. I continued to learn and tinker with the language for several months. Then, I stumbled upon the fascinating world of Web Development after discovering Freecodecamp site. From that point on, I have spent countless hours working with HTML, CSS, Javascript, and the React library, in hopes that I can someday put my technical know-how to good use.

Latest works
Web app for Akari Center
This is a web app developed for Akari Skills Training Center For Children With Special Needs. It is called CWD Examination Toolkit (or CET), with the main purpose of examining the growth of children under 7 years old to detect areas with slowness/difficulty based on PEP-3 (the Psychoeducational Profile, Third Edition). The app allows CRUD operations and export of report in PDF/CSV, and is built with React, PouchDB and Material UI.
Website for Akari Center
A website created for Akari Skills Training Center for Children With Special Needs. It is coupled with a CMS to allow the users to upload their posts later. The site is built with Gatsby and NetlifyCMS.
Ecommerce website
This is an ecommerce website built following the Complete React Developer course. The site use Firebase Authentication and FireStore for managing sign-in/sign-up and database. It also use Redux and Redux-Saga for managing shopping operation. Stripe library is used for handling payment part.
Other works
Face detection
A small webapp to detect face(s) from image link; built with React and Postgresql. Test with this credential: demo@demo.com/demo12345
Freeplane scripts
Scripts for use with Freeplane (an open source mindmap app), written in Groovy
Simon Game
A small game to practice memory
Pomodoro Clock
A simple pomodoro clock
Random Quote
Get a quote to inspire a new day
An implementation of TicTacToe game using MiniMax algorithms
Let's work together!
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